由于我们暂时无法查看顾客和代理的订单信息。如果您需要查看订单信息,请将订单资料(电子邮可看到)的截图发给我。我会一一跟大家Follow up
Dear customers and agents,
We regret to inform you that our website is currently down due to technical issues. We have confirmed that the website has not been hacked, but is temporarily disabled due to some technical issues.
We are currently unable to view customer and agent order information. Would need your kind cooperation to send me a screenshot of your order details (which can be found in your email).
I will follow up with you all one by one.
We are working hard to resolve this issue as soon as possible and will restore the website to normal operation as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Larycca Leong
October 13, 2023